Eduardo H. Jiménez González Founding Partner for Geltung and Management on Demand
Founding Partner for Geltung and Management on Demand
Engineer by Universidad de Guadalajara with Advanced Studies in Finance and Organization Structure by the University of California, Berkeley and the Executive Management Program by IPADE.
Expert company and intellectual property valuator, involved in restructures, turnarounds, mergers and acquisitions in Mexico and other countries; strategic alliances, venture capital, private equity, advisory and Investment Projects implementation.
Member of the board in diverse Public and Private companies, involved in strategic planning, institutionalization processes, generational change and family office.
Eduardo has plenty of experience in negotiations, structured financing, startups, government, Agribusiness, Infrastructure projects, among others.
Juan J. Petersen Farah Founding Partner for Geltung
Bachelor in Economics with a Grade in Social Sciences.
He has been involved in many financial and corporate positions, as CFO of Grupo Sidek, CEO of Blockbuster Mexico, CEO of Grupo Minsa – Almer.
Member of the board for many Public and Private companies, providing strategic planning, institutionalization processes.
Expert negotiator, experienced in financial and corporate transactions under different business environments, startups, Investment Funds, Real Estate projects, structured financing, and strategic alliances in diverse industries.
Experience in Turnarounds and family office.
Eduardo H. Jiménez del Toro Founding Partner for Management on Demand
Founding Partner for Management on Demand
Bachelor in Administration and Finance by Universidad Panamericana, with a Specialty in Stock Analysis by IEB Spain, MBA by ESEUNE Bilbao, Executive MBA by Georgetown University, Finance and Accounting Course in NYU and M&A Senior Program in Chicago Booth University.
Faculty member in Universidad Panamericana for Bachelors and Masters Programs; speaker at IDE Guadalajara.
Significant Experience in Mergers and acquisitions, company valuations, restructures and turnarounds; with relevant experience in investment projects and financial analysis in multiple industries.
Sandra Godínez Díaz Consultant for Geltung and Management on Demand
Bachelor in Administration and Finance by Universidad Panamericana, Bachelor in Accounting by Universidad Panamericana, Certificate in Advanced Valuation in NYU Stern School of Business, Sustainable Finance and Investments Course in Harvard University.
Experience as a Consultant specialized in Company Valuations, Investment Project Analysis, Mergers, Acquisitions and Financial Analysis in diverse Industries.